
CESU Workshop at LTER ASM Conference

Evelyn Gaiser, Tom Fish, and Paige Kleindl are hosting a 90-minute, CESU-related workshop at the Long-Term Ecological Resarch Network 2022 All Scientists Meeting in Asilomar, California on Wednesday, September 21st at 10:30 AM PDT.

The workshop is titled ‘Enacting LTER Science Through Federal Agency Partnerships’ with the goals to: (1) examine synergies between LTER programs and CESU hubs, as well as other federal agency partnerships, (2) provide examples of LTER-CESU (and other federal agency) partnerships that have enhanced actionable long-term science, and (3) recommend pathways for future LTER-CESU network-to-network collaborations that contribute to career advancement of early-career scientists.

Please email Paige Kleindl at with any questions and for more information about the workshop.

CESU National Meeting

The Virtual CESU National Meeting was a success!

Notes from the National Meeting are available below and further minutes will be distirbuted from the National CESU Office and posted once available.


Scientific Conferences

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