General Information
*Issue Date: 02 May 2017
*Application Date: 09 June 2017
*Funding Opportunity No: P17AS00218
Funding Agency: National Park Service
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 15.945
Anticipated Federal Funding: $98,000.00 subject to the availability of funding
Estimated Number of Agreements to be Awarded: One
Anticipated Start Date: The project receiving funding through this Notice of Funding Opportunity will start once funding has been secured and awards have been made. Project start will be August-September 2017. Preliminary research begins and the Principal Investigator shall contact the NPS to schedule a post-award meeting to be held at WICA within 60 days of contract award.
Anticipated Term of the Agreement: August 15, 2017 – September 30, 2019
Agreement terms for funded projects are estimated to range between one and five years, depending on the negotiated project statement of work. Agreements are not effective until fully executed with signature from the NPS Financial Assistance Awarding Officer (FAAO).
Opportunity Description
Program Background Information: The National Park Service (NPS), through the Midwest Regional Office (MWRO), is seeking
proposals to document ethnobotany and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) at Wind Cave National Park (WICA), South Dakota. The NPS is undertaking this project to establish a baseline of ethnobotany and ecological information that will be used in the protection and
resource management of culturally significant plant species. In addition, the information will be used to help in the analysis of any environmental effects of plant gathering allowed under the federal regulation that allows members of federally recognized tribes to collect plants in NPS units for traditional purposes. The focus of this project is the inventory and documentation of plant species that members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe use for traditional purposes and that grow within the boundaries of Wind Cave National Park. The inventory of species will be matched with the botanical inventory already maintained by the NPS. The resulting compiled inventory and documentation will be used to formulate an environmental analysis on the applicability and sustainability of gathering the species, and any inform management changes needed to ensure sustainable plant gathering at the park.
This collaborative project between the NPS, the selected Recipient, and members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe will rely on ethnographic interviews with tribal members and primary and secondary literature source review and synthesis. The project will include completion of a report outlining the purposes, methodology, findings, and conclusions of the project. The study shall conform to professional standards regarding methodology of anthropological and ethnobotanical research and writing. Stylistic and bibliographical standards shall conform to the current requirements of the journal American Anthropologist, and the current Chicago Manual of Style.
Project Objectives:
The Midwest Regional Cultural Anthropology Program envisions the project will:
1) Provide a meaningful exchange of knowledge between culturally associated American Indian tribes and the park about culturally important plants located within the park;
2) Will identify the general location where these plants are located within the park’s legislated boundary on federal land;
3) Will document each plant species and record the information necessary for the park to complete an Environmental Analysis (EA) examining the potential impacts of gathering the plants or plant parts, and whether such gathering can be done in a sustainable manner.
4) Will prepare recommendations for the management of the identified species, based on both western science and traditional ecological knowledge provided by Rosebud Sioux tribal members.
Eligibility Information
Application Due Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 5:00 p.m. CDT
An applicant’s failure to meet an eligibility criterion by the time of the application deadline will result in the application being excluded from consideration. This includes but is not limited to late and incomplete application packages.
Eligible Applicants:
This announcement is limited to partners of the following Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (including university, state, and non-governmental organizations): Californian CESU; Cheasapeake Watershed CESU, Colorado Plateau CESU, Desert Southwest CESU, Great Basin CESU, Great Lakes-Northern Forest CESU, Great Plains CESU, Great Rivers CESU, Gulf Coast CESU, Hawaii-Pacific Islands CESU, North and West Alaska CESU, North Atlantic Coast CESU, Pacific Northwest CESU, Piedmont-South Atlantic Coast CESU, Rocky Mountains CESU, Southern Appalachian Mountains CESU, and South Florida-Carribean CESU. A list of active partners and the master Cooperative Agreements for these CESUs are linked to the following webpage:
The NPS encourages multiple partner engagement in this project. This may occur through subawards to partner institutions from the primary awardee, or broad expertise from multiple PIs within a single institution. Further, proposals may consider the use of subcontracts to nonacademic entities with full justification as to why this may be more effective than solely university entities.
Application Process
See attachment for application process and further details.