General Information
*Application Date: 15 December 2019
Funding Agency: National Park Service
Replies requested by: Not later than December 15, 2019, 11:59 PM EST
Project Start Date: 31 March 2020
Project Duration: 24 months
Total Funding: $500,000
Number of Projects Supported: 1 or more
Please direct all questions to:
Jimi Sadle, Botanist
Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Parks
40001 State Road 9336
Homestead, FL 33034
Office: (305) 242-7806
Please submit electronic statements of interest to:
Carol B. Daniels, NPS Senior Science Advisor
South Florida Caribbean CESU
Office: (402) 661-1846
Opportunity Description
Background: Projects associated with this RSOI will assess impacts to forest systems affected by Hurricane Irma. Everglades National Park has a variety of recent and past vegetation monitoring and mapping efforts that can be used as baseline information to determine short and long term impacts to forest communities from wind and storm surge flooding associated with the storm. Forest assessments may be made by re-monitoring previously established forest demography plots, re-mapping recently completed vegetation mapping efforts or through the development of novel approaches to forest damage assessments using existing multi-spectrum satellite imagery, aerial photographs and other available data combined with collection or aggregation of post storm information. Forest communities where the most substantial impacts have been observed are primarily coastal (mangrove, coastal hardwood hammock, coastal berm, buttonwood hammock) but impact assessments of any hurricane affected forest community will be considered.
The project or projects resulting from this RSOI will provide an accounting of hurricane impacts, investigate the causes of observed impacts and recovery and/or assess the ongoing or potential for recovery of these communities. The information will be important for documenting large scale storm effects, determining management actions needed to aid recovery and/or potentially mitigate additional impacts from future storms.
Objectives: The objective of this work is to assess the impacts of Hurricane Irma on mature forest communities in EVER. The results of this work will be used provide quantitative information on post storm forest conditions, inform and improve post storm assessment methods and should result in recommendations that will assist EVER in understanding and responding to similar future events.
Application Process
Please prepare a brief (3-4 page) summary of how you would envision conducting such a collaborative project. Statement of Interest should include the research topic or topics to be addressed by the proposed project as well as an estimated budget. Research topics are not restricted to those included under possible research questions in this announcement. Include your name, CESU affiliation (university or non-profit organization eligibility affiliated with the Gulf Coast, Piedmont South Atlantic or the South Florida Caribbean CESU) and contact information as well as any relevant experience, past projects, and staff, faculty and students that would be available to work on the project.
Potential Funding: Total funding in the amount of $500,000 is anticipated to support one or more projects resulting from this RSOI.
See attachment for further details.