The Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds (ICRW) brings together watershed scientists, stakeholders, and managers to share scientific advances and management strategies to sustain the country’s water resources. The Conference highlights interdisciplinary research and synthesis on topics associated with watershed resilience, with a focus on solutions that integrate interacting environmental, social, economic, and political drivers of change.
ICRW7 2020 – Enhancing Landscapes for Sustainable Intensification and Watershed Resiliency – offers a unique opportunity to engage with researchers from government, academic, non-profit, and community organizations working to protect, restore, and manage water resources from local- to national scales. In addition to oral and poster sessions and pre-conference workshops, ICRW7 is committed to providing conference goers with first-hand experience of local research sites and regional landscapes via field trips, which are scheduled mid-week at no extra cost to participants.
Abstract submission opening soon
Oral and poster abstracts will be invited on the conference topics and, when open, can be submitted using the online abstract submission system.
We look forward to seeing you in Tifton, Georgia
March 30 – April 2, 2020