South Florida – Caribbean
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.

– Ryunosuke Satoro

Welcome to SFC CESU

The South Florida and Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (SFC CESU) was established in 2000 under the leadership of the Department of the Interior and has led to the partnership of nine federal agencies and 21 academic institutions and non-government organizations. Together, the SFC CESU partners support a regional approach to ecosystem science and adaptive management that emphasize natural and cultural resource understanding and protection at the landscape/seascape scale.

New Funding Opportunity

*Application Date: 21 April 2025

Coastal Riverine Fish Dynamics and Marsh-Mangrove Habitat Use in Shark River Slough, Florida

This is where the text for the back of your card should go.

More Information

Florida Invasive Species Council Request for Proposals: Julia Morton Research Grant

The Florida Invasive Species Council (FISC) has available funding to support two (2) research grant/scholarships for students conducting studies related to invasive species management in Florida’s natural areas.

Deadline: May 9th, 2025

Please see attached for more information.

New Graduate Student Funding Available for Research in Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park and Rocky Mountain Conservancy are currently accepting applications for the 2025 Bailey Research Fellowship. The Bailey Research Fellowship provides opportunities for highly qualified graduate students to conduct research in the park and communicate their work to the public.

The fellowship provides park housing, a living stipend, and support for research supplies and conference attendance. The goal of the fellowship is to support graduate student research that aids in park management and decision making.

For more information, visit: Bailey Research Fellowship

Applications accepted through February 16, 2025.

New SFC-CESU Non-Federal Member

Congratulations and a warm welcome to our newest non-federal member, the Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI). If you would like to contact them, please reach out to the technical representative Dustin Meattey at and the administrative representative Sharon Oehmig at

New SFC-CESU Federal Partner

Congratulations and a warm welcome to our newest federal partner, the Bureau of Ocean Energy and Management (BOEM). We are looking forward to their participation and collaborations to help expand our research range and funding opportunities into the Carribean. If you would like to contact them, please reach out to the technical representatives Michael Rasser at and Jennifer Ewald at

CESU-LTER Federal Career Forum

The CESU and Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Networks are partnering to provide a federal agency career forum to graduate students on Wednesday, May 22nd from 3:00-5:00 EST/12:00-2:00 PST where students can meet federal scientists working across the United States. Attendees will learn about federal agency career paths, work challenges and benefits, ‘a day in their life,’ and advice agency members wish they would have known as early career scientists.

Through the LTER Community Call series, a “watch party” of prerecorded interviews with 15 federal scientists will start at Noon PT (3 pm ET), with a full panel discussion beginning at 1 pm PT (4 pm ET). After a brief interview with a federal careers coach, the panelists will spend the second hour of the forum in discussion with and answering questions from the attendees. Prerecorded interviews will also be available for asynchronous viewing online, starting in early May on this webpage or the LTER Network YouTube channel.

Preparing to enter the work force after completing a graduate degree, and building a fulfilling and successful career outside of academia can be daunting and full of uncertainty. There is no ‘one path fits all’ that will lead to your career goals, but one of the best ways to prepare is to learn from others’ experiences. Bring your questions to the forum, and join in the lively discussion.

Register here to receive a Zoom link for the forum, and please share this opportunity with anyone who may be interested.

If you have any questions before the event, please contact Paige Kleindl at

SFC CESU Members Awarded at 2022 CESU National Meeting

Congratulations to Dr. Laura Brandt, Dr. Jennifer Rehage, Dr. Jay Sah, and Paige Kleindl for receiving individual awards at the 2022 CESU National meeting for their leadership and involvement in the SFC CESU!

Get To Know The SFC CESU Partners

Learn about the research being conducted by our non-federal partners as well as the projects funded by federal partners and the role they play in our regional CESU.

Visit our About page to discover more!